Target Temperature & Temperature range

Target temperature with resolution 0.1°C

This command is available for devices with firmware version >= 1.4

You can change the target temperature with the following command set.

You can set the target temperature with the command:

T[15:0] = Ttarget[°C] * 10;

Example command: 0x500102;

Set target temperature - 25,8°C * 10 = 258 [DEC] => 0x0102 [HEX].

The allowed target temperature range is (5°C – 30°C) by default.

Target temperature with resolution 1.0°C

You can change the target temperature with the following command set.

You can set the target temperature with the command:

Example downlink: 0x2E17 – Sets the target temperature to 0x17 = 23°C.

The allowed target temperature range is (5°C – 30°C) by default.

Manual change from the thermostat's buttons

With this command your application server can understand when the target temperature has been manually changed from the device physically - somebody clicked the buttons on the device and set a specific target temp.

The command is sent together with the keepalive of the device. The keepalive data in the example below is omitted for clarity.

  • Manual target temperature change with resolution 0.1°C.

This command is available for devices with firmware version >= 1.4

Tmanual[°C] = T[15:0] / 10;

Example command: 0x540102;

0x0102 [HEX] = 258 [DEC] => Tmanual = 258 / 10 = 25,8°C.

  • Manual target temperature change with resolution 1.0°C.

Target temperature range

You can change the range of selection of target temperature on the device. By default, the user can select between 5 and 30 degrees Celsius.

Example downlink: 0x081018 – Sets the lower temp. limit to 16°C and the upper temp. limit to 24°C.

Delay on target temperature change

Since people usually take some time to decide on a target temperature, we wait for a certain period after the last change before the device sends an immediate uplink.

Example command: 0x350F – The delay that is set is 15sec.

Note: Acceptable values: 0...255sec. (1sec. resolution).

Configuring the target temperature step

This command is available for devices with firmware version >= 1.4

You can change the target temperature step, when buttons are used. E.g. when the current target temperature is 22.0°C and the step is 0.5°C, if the user clicks the up button once, the target temperature will become 22.5°C

You can set the target temperature step with the command:

Example command: 0x520F;

Sets the temperature step - 1.5°C * 10 = 15 [DEC] => 0x0F [HEX].

Note: Acceptable values: 0.1...10°C (0.1°C resolution).

Temperature hysteresis

This command is available for devices with firmware version >= 1.4

Example downlink:

0x4E03 - sets the temperature hysteresis to 0.3°C.

Note: Acceptable values: 0.1...25.5°C (0.1°C resolution).

Measured temperature sensor compensation

This command is available for devices with firmware version >= 1.4

This is applies to the measured temperature.

This command is used to set the compensation temperature values.

Example command: 0x550115;

Set the negative temp. compensation - 0x01[HEX].

Set the compensation temperature - 2.1°C * 10 = 21[DEC] => 0x15[HEX].

Note: The allowed range is -5...5°C (0.1°C resolution).

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