External temperature measurement and internal temperature offset
This mode is used when the measurements of Vicki's temperature sensor is not reliable - e.g. there's a cover in front of the radiator.
Keep in mind that this command is only available when the device is in operational mode "Automatic temperature control with external temperature reading". To set this operational mode, send downlink "0D02"
If you are in "02 – Online automatic control mode with external temperature reading" mode the Vicki will use an external temperature reading. This will affect it Open window detection capabilities. It will still use its internal readings to determine whether or not the window has been opened, not the external temperature measurement.
Since firmware >= 4.2, when in Vicki is in "Automatic temperature control with external temperature reading", Vicki reports the set ext. temp value in each keepalive message.
Set External temperature sensor value
This command is applicable when the device is in online automatic control mode with external temperature reading. The server sends this command to Vicki device when it has a new measured temperature by the external sensor. This external temperature will be used by Vicki for the internal temperature control algorithm. The command is described in details in Table 16.
Set External temperature sensor value with accuracy 1.0
Byte index
Hex value - Meaning
0F – The command code.
XX – The ext. temperature in Celsius degrees. The value must be greater than 0°C!
Table 16
Example downlink: 0x0F14 – the server notifies Vicki that the measured temperature by the external sensor is 20 degrees Celsius .
Set External temperature sensor value with accuracy 0.1
This command is available for firmware >= 4.2 The value must be greater than 0°C!
Byte index
Hex value - Meaning
3C – The command code.
XX - T[15:8]
XX - T[7:0]
XXXX - T[15:0]= t[Celsius] * 10
Example downlink: 0x3C0102 – the server notifies Vicki that the measured temperature by the external sensor is 25.8 degrees Celsius. 25.8*10 = 258 = 0x0102
Get External temperature sensor value with accuracy 0.1
Byte index
Sent request
Received response
44 – Command code.
44 – The command code.
T[7:0] t° = T[15:0]/10
Example uplink: 0x440110 - Ext. temp measurement value is 27.2
Internal Temperature Offset
This command allows you to offset the internally measured temperature by +/- 5°C.
This command sets the desired temperature offset.
Byte index
Sent request
Received response
53 – Command code.
53 – The command code.
XX – offset parameter value, where XX = (offset, [°C] + 4.928) / 0.176
Tabulated values for example offsets:
offset, [°C] = (XX - 28) * 0.176 = (0-28)* 0.176=-28* 0.176=-4.928=-5°C
Offset -5°C -> XX = 00[HEX] -> Command: 0x5300 Offset -4°C -> XX = 05[HEX]-> Command: 0x5305 Offset -3°C -> XX = 0B[HEX]-> Command: 0x530B Offset -2°C -> XX = 11[HEX] -> Command: 0x5311 Offset -1°C -> XX = 16[HEX] -> Command: 0x5316
Offset 0°C -> XX = 1C[HEX] -> Command: 0x531C
Offset 1°C -> XX = 22[HEX] -> Command: 0x5322 Offset 2°C -> XX = 27[HEX] -> Command: 0x5327 Offset 3°C -> XX = 2D[HEX] -> Command: 0x532D Offset 4°C -> XX = 33[HEX] -> Command: 0x5333 Offset 5°C -> XX = 38[HEX] -> Command: 0x5338
Last updated
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