🥳Release notes

Firmware version 1.5

Release date: 19 April 2024

  • Added improvements for AS923 radio region.

Firmware version 1.4

Release date: 04 March 2024

  • Settings changed with the buttons now have a 5 second delay (to avoid rapid switching when cycling through fan speeds for example).

  • Removed the black bar at the bottom of the display when the device is turned off.

  • Тhe default temperature compensation value of the measured temperature has been changed from 0°C to -1.4°C.

  • А bug related to sending the first radio packet has been fixed.

  • Fixed "GET fan speed" command to return correct values for a 3-speed fan.

Firmware version 1.3

Release date: 19 January 2024

  • Added app menu key unlock feature.

  • Added functionality to select an app with buttons from the app menu.

Firmware version 1.2

Release date: 03 January 2024

  • Added function to lock/unlock keys by pressing a certain combination.

  • Added separate PLC commands to delay relays, command to reset buffers and FCC outputs.

  • Added a new PLC command to delay the ECM fan voltage output.

  • Fixed a bug related to the SPI driver responsible for communication between the display and the device.

  • Fixed a bug related to the incorrect display of the OCC function on the display when changing applications.

  • Fixed valve opening/closing with delay.

  • Fixed ECM fan max voltage startup to only work if the fan is off.

  • Fixed a bug related to the switching from the ECM fan speed button.

  • Fixed display of fan speeds when switching apps.

  • Fixed default setting of ECM fan voltages and frost protection temperatures.

Firmware version 1.1

Release date: 29 November 2023

  • Fixed app switching bug, fan and valve not switching properly.

  • Fixed the default value for valve open/close time.

  • Fixed a bug related to the fan turns on after the valve on time has expired.

Firmware version 1.0

Release date: 15 November 2023

  • Initial firmware release.

Last updated