Release notes
Find release notes for firmware of Vicki LoRaWAN
Firmware version 4.3
Release date: 01.03.2024
If your devices are running firmware version 4.0 or higher, they are eligible for FUOTA upgrade to 4.3. Read more here.
Further improvements on calibration mechanism.
Temperature measurement can now reach -5 degrees C - previously the lowest value was 5 degrees C.
Each time the device is powered, it briefly rotates the motor to verify the fully open position.
Added a SET command to set valve openness in percentages.
Added a "valve openness" property in the decoder to indicate what's the current valve openness in percentages.
After the device joins the network, it sends the first 5 uplinks as soon as possible (depending on the Spreading Factor that the LNS has set)
When the temperature is changed through the device, it switches back to whole values - e.g. 23, 24...
When the target temperature is with a decimal point, e.g. 22.3, the device includes this target temperature with each uplink.
When the device is removed from the backplate, it sends immediate uplink.
Bugfixes implemented for the issues found in firmware 4.2 (read below).
Firmware version 4.2
Release date: 26 July 2023
Further improvements on the new micro/half stepping motor driver, resulting in better battery consumption.
Maximum motorRange increased from 800 steps to 860 steps
The first temperature control algorithm, called Equal Direction Control is removed.
A new PI algorithm is introduced and is now the default algorithm.
New command for ext. temp measurement setting with accuracy 0.1 (previous accuracy was 1.0, old command is preserved).
New command to GET the ext. temp measurement value is implemented.
When the device is in operational mode with ext. temperature sensor, the ext. temperature value in the memory in the device is reported with each keepalive.
New command for open window detection with delta accuracy of 0.1 (previous accuracy was 1.0, old command is preserved).
The device now does not reply immediately to a downlink unless it contains a GET command.
The device now replies immediately to a downlink command for new target temperature.
Force-attach a valve - overwrite of the button that the backplate presses to indicate the device is mounted. If you send this command, Vicki will try to calibrate even if it's not correctly installed on a backplate. If there's no backplate and valve at all, calibration will not be successful.
This command can be used in cases when an already installed device starts reporting motorRange of 0.
Keep in mind that the 5th bit in the 8th byte of the keepalive indicates whether the backplate button is pressed at all.
If your devices are running firmware version 4.0 or higher, they are eligible for FUOTA upgrade to 4.2. Please get in touch with us at to coordinate the process.
Known issues:
If device is frequently recalibrated, motorRange might decrease.
Workaround: Avoid recalibrating frequently. motorRange is fixed when the device is manually removed from the backplate and mounted again.
Additional advise: When you send recalibration downlink, use unconfirmed downlink. When using confirmed downlink for recalibration, it increases the chance of the issue occurrence.
When the device is removed from the backplate during motor rotation, it is possible that the motor pushes indefinitely.
When the device is working in ext. temp sensor mode and no ext. temp value is sent through a downlink, the PI algorithm might not work optimally, but still continues to control the valve based on the target temperature.
Firmware version 4.1
Release date: 23 February 2023
Use microstepping/halfstepping (dependent on the hardware version) to drive the motor. This decreases very significantly the sound that Vicki generates during motor rotation.
Added command to change AppEUI & AppKey.
Added a bit to the keepalive to report whether Vicki is attached to a backplate or not.
Added a bit to the keepalive to report whether Vicki thinks it’s online or offline. Refer to Network-related settings for more information how Vicki undestands if it's online or offline.
Change default re-join period from 3 to 10 minutes. Remove full device reboot in case it has not connected to a LoRaWAN network for the last 10 tries.
Proportional algorithm now closes the valve with single movement when target temperature is exceeded.
Enriched the diagnostics information – added info on the humidity and temperature IC.
Allow motor recalibration after initial unsuccessful calibration.
Make it harder to enter functional test mode (88 showing on the display).
Bugfix: Device now processes WDP [confirmed] correctly.
Bugfix: After Watch-Dog reset, the device retains its operational mode.
Bugfix: Improve rotary encoder’s logic, so the display of Vicki is not randomly activated.
Bugfix: Resolve issue with LoRaWAN MAC Layer freezing from f.w. 4.0
If your devices are running firmware version 4.0, they are eligible for FUOTA upgrade to 4.1. Please get in touch with us at to coordinate the process.
Firmware version 4.0
Release date: 12 April 2022
FUOTA mechanism released
The FUOTA functionality differs from the FUOTA that's being used by the LoRa Alliance. In order to update the firmware version of devices, they should be connected to MClimate's cloud. It takes around 1500 downlinks to perform FUOTA. Due to duty-cycle limitations of the gateways, we recommend staging the FUOTA in smaller batches in case your installation is sizeable.
Feel free to reach out to to acquire more details on the process.
Force-close functionality improved. Improved over-voltage detection when valve is near fully closed position.
Devices now send full configuration information with the first uplink after the Join procedure.
Downlink for remote device reset is implemented
Downlink for setting only the motorPosition is implemented
Updated section of documentation - "Operational modes, temperature control algorithms, target temperature and motor control"
Introduced commands to get/set the temperature control algorithm being used.
Additional temperature control algorithm introduced - called "Proportional control"
Default temperature control algorithm in f.w. >= 4.0
Bugfix - Device now retains operational mode "Automatic with external temperature sensor" after reset.
Bugfix - Manual target temperature change command is sent only when the target temperature is changed manually by rotating the Vicki (by hand).
Known issues
The device may stop sending periodic uplinks due to the MAC layer of the LoRaWAN Stack freezing. The device is affected only if it works with unconfirmed uplink type. The device re-joins the network once the Watch-Dog period elapses and device realises it's offline.
Suggested resolution:
You can minimise the downtime of the device by re-configuring the WDP for unconfirmed uplinks to e.g. 2h.
You MUST alter the DevStatusReq period in your LNS to at least once every hour.
When changing the keepalive period, the WDP [unconfirmed] does not refresh.
With one downlink, first change the keepalive period, then set the WDP again.
Firmware version 3.6
Release date: 12 December 2021
Minor bugfixes and updates
If pFirstLast or pNext is less than 17 steps, move the motor with 17 steps.
If one wants to move the motor with less than 17 steps, move the motor with 17 steps.
Preparation for FUOTA mechanism release
Known issues:
When device is in operational mode "Automatic with external temperature sensor" and it restarts due to power-off or Communications watch-dog, the device backs off to "Automatic" operational mode.
Suggested fix on production: When you send the external temperature measurement to Vicki, always append the command to switch to operational mode "automatic with external temperature sensor" - "0D02"
Manual target temperature change command is sent whenever the target temperature is changed, even through a downlink command.
Firmware version 3.5
Release date: 02 December 2021
Improved temperature measurement resolution from 0.62 to 0.18 degrees Celsius
Special command if the target temperature has been changed manually by the customer (by hand).
Open Window function change - Vicki fully closes the valve, regardless of motorPosition specified.
Changed default parameters:
Operational mode - changed from manual to automatic
Keepalive interval - changed from 3 to 10 minutes
tDiff (open/close) - changed from 1 to 0 degrees
Uplink type - changed from confirmed to unconfirmed
Send first keepalive packet as soon as the device completes Join procedure.
Added support for Advanced Motor Force Control of Vicki.
Improvement of the calibration mechanism
Bugfix - in previous firmware device reported -40 degrees after the communication watch-dog has restarted it.
Bugfix - report battery voltage values above 3.5VDC correctly
Known issues:
If pFirstLast or pNext is less than 17 steps, the device misbehaves
If one moves the motor with less than 17 steps in either directions, the device misbehaves
When device is in operational mode "Automatic with external temperature sensor" and it restarts due to power-off or Communications watch-dog, the device backs off to "Automatic" operational mode.
Firmware version 3.4
Release date: 07 January 2021
Minor bugfixes
Allow keepalive interval to be greater than 21 minutes
The internal temperature control algorithm now uses force close to close the valve.
Introduce WDP (Communication Watch-Dog Parameters); Set WDP parameters; Get WDP parameters
Known issues:
When the WDP activates and restarts the device, the first reading of the temperature is -40.
If battery voltage is > 3.5VDC, the device reports 2VDC. The device continues working correctly.
When device is in operational mode "Automatic with external temperature sensor" and it restarts due to power-off or Communications watch-dog, the device backs off to "Automatic" operational mode.
Firmware version 3.3
Release date: 27 October 2020
Add Cooling mode as primary operational mode; Set device primary operational mode; Get device primary operational mode
Minor bugfixes
Known issues:
Keepalive interval cannot exceed 21 minutes
When device is in operational mode "Automatic with external temperature sensor" and it restarts due to power-off or Communications watch-dog, the device backs off to "Automatic" operational mode.
Firmware version 3.2
Release date: 28 September 2020
Initial release of Vicki LoRaWAN
Last updated
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