Fan Settings

1. Changing the fan speed

If the fan speed is set to auto, the actual speed is determined by an algorithm explained here. It's also reported in the keepalive of the device.

1.1 Fan type: 3-speed fan

You can set the fan speed with the command:

Example command: 0x4402 – Sets fan speed to Low.

1.2 Fan type: ECM fan

You can change the fan speed with the following command set.

You can set the fan speed with the command:

Example downlink: 0x4404 – Sets the fan speed 4.

2. Limiting the selectable fan speed

This only reflects what's selectable through the device's buttons.

2.1. Fan type: 3-speed fan

You can change the fan speed limit with the following set of commands.

You can set the fan speed limit with the command:

Example downlink: 0x4601 – Sets the fan speed limit to Low / Medium.

2.2 Fan type: ECM fan

Description pending

3. ECM Fan Settings

The following commands are for advanced users only.

Use with great caution.

3.1. ECM Fan min/max control voltage settings.

You can change the minimum and maximum voltage of the ECM fan with the following set of commands.

The command adjusts the voltage range of the ECM fan.

Example downlink: 0x481947;

Sets the Vmin = 2,5V => 2,5 * 10 = 25 convert to HEX 0x19.

Sets the Vmax = 7,1V => 7,1 * 10 = 71 convert to HEX 0x47.

Adjustable range is 0…10V (0,1V resolution).

3.2. ECM Relay (F-ON)

This commands allow you to set/get the ECM relay (F-ON) - whether it's activated or deactivated at all.

Set the ECM relay to activated/deactivated.

Example downlink: 0x4C01 – Activated the ECM relay (F-ON).

3.3. ECM start up time

The ECM fan starts at maximum speed for a specified start up time.

Set up the start up time.

Example downlink: 0x4A03 - Sets the ECM start up time to 3 seconds.

Acceptable values: 0...20 seconds (1sec. resolution).

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