Custom control of LED and Acoustic Buzzer

Since the device has Buzzer and LED, you can choose to activate them with a downlink regardless whether there's an flood event detected or not.

Buzzer control command explanation

This command allows you to activate the buzzer with certain settings, such as setting the time duration, adjusting the volume and frequency. See table 4 for details.

Byte index
Bit index
Hex value – Meaning



03 – The command will set the buzzer volume and frequency.



Buzzer volume, [hex]:

0: Buzzer volume set to minimum available;

1: …

2: …

3: …

4: …

5: …

6: …

7: …

8: …

9: …

A: …

B: …

C: …

D: …

E: Buzzer volume set to maximum available;

F: Buzzer is off.


Buzzer frequency, [hex]:

0: Buzzer frequency is 1kHz;

1: Buzzer frequency is 1.5kHz;

2: Buzzer frequency is 2kHz;

3: Buzzer frequency is 2.5kHz;

4: Buzzer frequency is 3kHz;

5: Buzzer frequency is 3.5kHz;

6: Buzzer frequency is 4kHz;

7: Buzzer frequency is 4.5kHz;

8: Buzzer frequency is 5kHz;

9: Buzzer frequency is 5.5kHz;

A: Buzzer frequency is 6kHz;

B: Reserved;

C: Reserved;

D: Reserved;

E: Reserved;

F: Reserved.



Time the buzzer to be active. Resolution – 1s. If zero, the buzzer will stay active until buzzer command with volume value ([hex]: F) is received (buzzer turn-off) or the button is pressed. During this time the buzzer continuously alternate loud and silent states.



On time from the buzz loud-silent period. Resolution – 10ms.



Off time from the buzz loud-silent period. Resolution – 10ms.

Table 4.

Example command, [Hex]: 03E50А3246

See table 5 for details.

Byte index
Bit index
Hex value – Meaning



03 – The command will set the buzzer volume and frequency.



0E - Buzzer volume set to maximum available.


05 - Buzzer frequency is 3.5kHz.



0А - Time the buzzer to be active is 10 seconds.



32 - On time from the buzz loud-silent period is 500ms.



46 - Off time from the buzz loud-silent period is 700ms.

Table 5.

LED Control

This command allows you to activate the LED with certain settings. See table 6 for details.

Byte index
Hex value - Meaning


02 - The command code.


03 - LED responsible for Flood.


LED behavior:

01 - Turn the LED ON;

02 - Blink fast (10ms on, 200ms off);

03 - Blink slow (10ms on, 2000ms off);

04 - Turn the LED OFF.


XX - Duration for the LED behavior.

Duration, [seconds] = XX.

If zero, do it until next LED related command is received or

the verify button is pressed.

Table 6.

Example command, [Hex]: 02030204

See table 7 for details.

Byte index
Hex value – Meaning


02 - The command code.


03 - LED responsible for Flood.


02 - Blink fast (10ms on, 200ms off).


04 - Duration = 4sec.

Table 7.

Last updated

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