Set LED behavior
This command controls the LEDs on the top cover of the device. You can select any of the 4 and adjust its light pattern and the time it is on for.
The command explanation is in the table below.
Byte index
Hex value - Meaning
02 – The command code
XX – LED ID 00 - LED responsible for Open 01 - LED responsible for Close 02 - LED responsible for Leakage 03 - LED responsible for Flood
XX – LED behavior 01 - ON 02 - Blink fast 03 - Blink slow 04 - OFF
XX - duration for the specified LED behavior in seconds. If zero, do it until next LED related command is received or the verify button is pressed.
Example command: 0x02020214
02[HEX] = 02[DEC] -> activate the Leakage LED
02[HEX] = 02[DEC] -> make the LED Blink fast
14[HEX] = 20[DEC] -> make the LED Blink for 20 seconds
Last updated
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