ON/OFF & Target temperature

Device ON/OFF status

You can change the device ON/OFF status with the following command set.

Set the status of the device.

Byte index

Hex value – Meaning


66 – The command code.


00: Turn off the device. Default value. 01: Turn on the device.

Example command: 0x6601 – Turn on the device.

Changing the current operational mode

Information on how to change between Heating/Cooling/Ventilation is available here.

Target temperature

You can change the target temperature with the following command set.

You can set the target temperature with the command:

Byte index

Hex value – Meaning


2E – The command code.


XX - T[15:8].


XX - T[7:0].

T[15:0] = Ttarget[°C] * 10;

Example command: 0x2E0102;

Set target temperature - 25.8°C * 10 = 258 [DEC] => 0x0102 [HEX].

The allowed target temperature range is 0...40°C (0.1°C resolution).

Manual change from the thermostat's buttons

This command lets the Application Server that the target temperature has been manually (physically) changed from the device - the button on the devices has been pressed, setting a specific target temperature .

The command is sent together with the keepalive of the device. The keepalive data in the example below is omitted for clarity.

Byte index

Received response


30 – Command code


XX - T[15:8].


XX - T[7:0].

Ttarget[°C] = T[15:0] / 10;

Example uplink: 0x300102;

0x0102 [DEC] = 258 [DEC] => Ttarget = 258 / 10 = 25.8°C.

Configuring the target temperature step

You can change the target temperature step, when buttons are used. E.g. when the current target temperature is 22.0C and the step is 0.5C, if the user clicks the up button once, the target temperature will become 22.5C

You can set the target temperature step with the command:

Byte index

Hex value – Meaning


03 – The command code.


XX - Tstep[°C] * 10. Default value: 0x05 (0,5°C)

Example command: 0x030F;

Sets the temperature step - 1.5°C * 10 = 15 [DEC] => 0x0F [HEX].

The allowed target temperature step range is 0.1...10°C (0.1°C max resolution).

Measured temperature sensor compensation

This applies to the measured temperature.

This command is used to set the compensation temperature values.

Byte index

Hex value - Meaning


5A – The command code.


00: Positive compensation. 01: Negative compensation.


XX - Tcomp[°C] * 10. Default value: 0x010E (-1.4°C).

Example command: 0x5A0115;

Set the negative temp. compensation - 0x01[HEX].

Set the compensation temperature - 2.1°C * 10 = 21[DEC] => 0x15[HEX].

Note: The allowed range is -5...5°C (0.1°C resolution).

Last updated