Network-related settings

Join-retry period

This command is used to set the period (T) of LoRaWAN join request sending from the device, in case it was unable to join the network from the first attempt.

Byte index

Hex value โ€“ Meaning


10 โ€“ The command code.


T,[s]=XXโˆ—5.T, [s] = XX * 5. Value 0x00 isnโ€™t applicable.

Default value: 0x78 * 5 = 600 sec = 10 minutes.

Example command: 0x10F0 โ€“ the server sets join request send period to 20 minutes.

This join retry period (T) is for the first 15 sent messages. After, the used LoRaWAN stack automatically changes the possibility to send join request to ~20 minutes for 20 network join attempts. If the device is still not joined to the network after these 20 attempts, next join request can be sent after ~3 hours and 15 minutes.

Communication Watch Dog

This command is available for devices with firmware version โ‰ฅ 1.3.

There is a Watch Dog functionality that forces the device to reset, so it can rejoin the network in case a certain threshold has been reached where no downlinks have been received. There are 2 independent threshold values, one for confirmed mode and one for unconfirmed mode.

When working in confirmed mode if no downlink is received for the period defined by the Watch Dog Period (WDPconfirmed) parameter (see table below), the device resets itself.

When working in unconfirmed mode if no downlink is received for the period defined by the Watch Dog Period (WDPunconfirmed) parameter (see table below), the device resets itself.

The command is described in the table below. The keep-alive in the response is omitted for clarity.

Byte index

Hex value โ€“ Meaning


1C โ€“ The command code.


XX โ€“ Watch Dog Period (WDP) when confirmed uplinks are used by the device.

XX defines how many uplinks should be received without ACK so that the device restarts. On top of that XX uplinks, another 7 minutes should pass before the device restarts.

Default value for XX: 0x02. Note that value 0x00 disables the functionality when confirmed uplinks are used.


XX โ€“ Watch Dog Period (WDP) when unconfirmed uplinks are used by the device. Value is represented in hours.

Default value for XX: 0x18. (24 hours)

Note that value 0x00 disables the functionality when unconfirmed uplinks are used.

Example command, [Hex]: 1C0300 โ€“ Assuming that the Keep-alive period is 5 minutes, the device will wait for 3x5+7 = 22 minutes before resetting if confirmed uplinks are used. If unconfirmed uplinks are used the functionality is disabled (0x00).

Get LoRaWAN Region

This command is available for devices with firmware version โ‰ฅ 1.3.

This command reports the LoRaWAN Region your device is setup to work in. Make sure it matches you network as LoRaWAN regions/bands are country dependent. This region is hardcoded in the FW and the user can not change it, only report on it. The keep-alive in the command response is omitted for clarity.

Byte index

Sent request

Received response


A4 โ€“ Command code

A4 โ€“ Command code


Radio region: 00 => EU868

01 => AS923

02 => AU915

03 => US915

Example command, [Hex]: A400 โ€“ extracting the 1st byte value we get 00[HEX], thus the device operates in the EU868 LoRaWAN band.

Set Send event button later when it is allowed

The device may not always be able to send the command right now. The reason for this is the duty-cycle of LoRaWAN devices, which limits the amount of time a device transmits on the radio spectrum in order to be compliant with the EU regulations.

The duty-cycle depends on the Spreading factor. E.g. on SF12, the device can send one command every approx. 2m30s and on SF7, it can send a command approx. every 15 seconds.

This command is used to define the device behavior when it is not allowed to send the signal right now due to duty-cycle restrictions. You can choose to not send the signal at all or to send it at earliest convenience.

Changed the default 1E command to send the message when it's allowed for devices with firmware version โ‰ฅ 1.3.

Byte index

Bit index

Hex value โ€“ Meaning



1E โ€“ The command code.



00 - Do not send the button event later when allowed. 01 - Send the button event later when allowed. Default value: 01.

Example command: 0x1E00 โ€“ the server sets the device not to send the button event later when the LoRaWAN duty-cycle allows it.

Last updated

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