Relay state 16ADS
Relay state change
This command sets/gets the state of the relay, effectively powering/depowering the appliance it is controlling.
By default, the last state of the relay is saved in the device's memory.
For more details, see the command described below.
Byte index
Hex value β Meaning
C1 β The command code.
00 β OFF;
01 β ON.
Example downlink: 0xC101 β Turn on the relay.
Relay state change reason
These commands are available for devices with firmware version β₯ 1.1.
Reason for changing the relay state.
54 β Command code
00 - Restart the device; 01 - Manual (by button) relay switching; 02 - Overheating protection; 06 - Radio command: Relay state change; 07 - Radio commands: Relay timer in milliseconds and seconds.
Relay state after return of power supply
You can set/get the relay state after return of power supply with the following command set.
You can set the relay state after return of power supply with the command:
Byte index
Hex value β Meaning
5E β The command code.
00: Last state. Default value. 01: ON - after return of power supply. 02: OFF - after return of power supply.
Example command: 0x5E02 β Sets the relay state to be off after return of power supply.
Relay timer in milliseconds
These commands are available for devices with firmware version β₯ 1.1.
The command is used to configure the state of a relay (ON or OFF) for a specified duration in milliseconds.
After the timer expires, the relay automatically returns to its previous state.
The relay timer is deactivated when setting the relay state with command C1, manually (via the button) or by triggering any of the protections.
Byte index
Hex value β Meaning
55 β The command code.
00 β OFF;
01 β ON.
XX - Timer, bits [15:8];
XX - Timer bits [7:0]: Relay timer duration (in milliseconds).
Example downlink: 0x550001F4 β Turn off the relay for 500 milliseconds.
Adjustable range is 50β¦65 535 milliseconds (1ms. resolution).
Relay timer in seconds
These commands are available for devices with firmware version β₯ 1.1.
The command is used to configure the state of a relay (ON or OFF) for a specified duration in seconds.
After the timer expires, the relay automatically returns to its previous state.
The relay timer is deactivated when setting the relay state with command C1, manually (via the button) or by triggering any of the protections.
Byte index
Hex value β Meaning
57 β The command code.
00 β OFF;
01 β ON.
XX - Timer, bits [15:8];
XX - Timer bits [7:0]: Relay timer duration (in seconds).
Example downlink: 0x57000003 β Turn off the relay for 3 seconds.
Adjustable range is 1β¦65 535 seconds (1sec. resolution).
Relay state after overheating protection recovery
You can set/get the relay state after overheating protection recovery with the following command set.
You can set the relay state after overheating protection recovery with the command:
Byte index
Hex value β Meaning
59 β The command code.
00: Last state. Default value. 01: OFF - after overheating protection recovery.
Example command: 0x5901 β Sets the relay state to be off after overheating protection recovery.
Manual relay state change
This command lets the Application Server know that the relay state has been manually (physically - via a button on the device) changed.
The command is sent together with the keepalive of the device. The keepalive data in the example below is omitted for clarity.
5D β Command code
XX - Relay state.
Example uplink: 0x5D01;
The relay state has been manually changed to 01 (Relay state is ON).
Last updated
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