The keep-alive is a periodic message sent by the CO2 Display with sensor data and more. In this page you will learn how to decode keepalive messages and how to set the keepalive interval.
Keep-alive decoding
Periodically sent message which contains the most important device data.
The data is described in Table 3. In Table 4 example packet is given.
Table 3.
Keepalive example
Table 4.
Keepalive period
Example command: 0x020A
The example sets the keep-alive period to 10 minutes.
Note that the period value must respect the LoRaWAN messages duty cycle limitations. Otherwise the message will be sent when this is allowed. Also, the bigger period value, the less battery discharge. In most of cases, min. allowed period is 3 minutes and recommended values are 10 minutes or greater.
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