Uplink types

This command is used to set the device sent uplink message type. The command is described in the table below.

Byte index

Bit index

Hex value – Meaning



11 – The command code.



00 – The device sends unconfirmed uplink messages;

01 – The device sends confirmed uplink messages. Default message type for the device

Example command: 0x1101 – The server sets device uplink message type to confirmed.

Byte index

Bit index

Sent request

Received response



1B – Command code.

1B – The command code.



00 – The device operates with unconfirmed uplinks;

01 – The device operates with confirmed uplinks.

Example command sent from server: 0x1B;

Example command response: 0x1B00 => Device uplinks are unconfirmed.

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