Hiding data from the display

In this page you will learn how to show/hide specific data from the display of the device. Even though the data is hidden from the display, you still receive it in the keepalive.

Hiding/showing spΠ΅cific readings on the display

By Default all 3 metrics are displayed at the same time (temperature, humidity, and light intensity).

Measured temperature

Byte index

Hex value – Meaning


40 – The command code.


00 – Hide the measured temperature;

01 – Show the measured temperature. Default state.

Example downlink: 0x4000 – Hide the measured temperature.

Measured humidity

Byte index

Hex value – Meaning


42 – The command code.


00 – Hide humidity;

01 – Show humidity. Default state.

Example downlink: 0x4200 – Hide the measured humidity

Measured light intensity

Byte index

Hex value – Meaning


44 – The command code.


00 – Hide light intensity;

01 – Show light intensity. Default state.

Example downlink: 0x4400 – Hide the light intensity.

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