MClimate resources
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The MClimate Documentation hub is a comprehensive repository of content related to MClimate devices and services.
It contains all the information one might need in order to operate MClimate devices, utilize the Enterprise platform to monitor and control devices or develop custom integrations via our Open APIs.
The documentation repository is sub-divided in 3 separate spaces.
MClimate LoRaWAN Devices
MClimate Enterprise
MClimate API Documentation
The information contained in this space relates to the devices themselves. You can look up information about new Firmware updates and how to initiate the Firmware Upgrade Over The Air (FUOTA) procedure in order to stay up to date with the latest improvements.
Information of how the devices communicate in general with your LoRaWAN network (this is the same for all devices) and device specific functionality with their corresponding command set (the main configuration method for MClimate devices is via Command Downlinks).
This is most useful if you are directly controlling your devices via your LNS or a 3rd party platform connect to it.
This is our monitoring and management platform. It allows you to easily view data transmitted from your MClimate devices in a human readable way. It utilizes a web based interface to display measurement metrics like measured and setpoint temperature, humidity, device state, etc.
Additionally you have full control over your devices, any action you can implement via the Command Downlinks mentioned in the previous section you can perform via the Device Control section panel.
This is your quickest path go getting your data available 24/ in a visually appealing way. Observe and control your devices under a single web accessible platform with ease
Based on simple REST principles, the MClimate API endpoints return JSON metadata about the smart-home controllers like temperature, humidity, etc., directly from the MCloud.
The API also provides interface to control MClimate devices and access to user-related data, like user’s devices, activity, etc. Such access is enabled through selective authorization, by the user.
This is the best way for Developer to efficiently integrate the MClimate devices under a 3rd party platform of their choosing, while retaining the entirety of the data and full control of the devices.
MClimate Enterprise
MClimate LoRaWAN Devices